Organize a cluttered work-space and access special tools to enhance your already awesome diamond painting experience.
Find the best diamond painting tools and accessories at the best price. Finish diamond paintings faster and get more organized in doing diamond painting. Add more diamond painting tools on top of your basic diamond painting tool set that you get from your diamond painting kit order.
The most popular diamond painting tool that folks would get is the LED Slim Light Pad for Diamond Painting to help them light up the diamond painting canvas to clearly see the rhinestone drill placement pattern and symbols on the canvas more clearly especially when working in poor lit rooms.
The premium diamond painting tool set is really an upgrade to the basic tools included in a regular diamond painting kit order. You will get a stainless steel tweezer for diamond painting to adjust drills that are out of place, a multi-pickup tool to pick up and place up to 10 diamond painting drill rhinestones at a time, an extra large tray to comfortably place more rhinestone drills to easily pick different types of drills at a time, a pick up tool with cushion grip for comfort to let you continuously work on your diamond painting design for hours and hours, and an extra glue stick that computes to a good bargain price.
Get your diamond painting drill rhinestones organized, buy different types of storages for diamond painting drill rhinestone of premium quality.
Oftentimes diamond drills will stick to each other especially if they came in contact with your glue stick or the diamond painting canvas. Diamond painting drill separators will help you get your sticking drills separated easily at no time.
Properly frame finished diamond paintings with specially made frames. These diamond painting frames have simple but effective features like clips on the back board to securely frame diamond paintings.